My Story

I’m Keeley and I’m a storyteller.
I turn words into numbers by creating narratives that sell, ensuring you reach your business goals.

Telling a good story doesn’t come easy to everyone. Besides being a lifelong lover of literature and creative writing, spending ten years as a journalist on Fleet Street and writing for 80% of National newspapers taught me that there are a hundred ways to tell the same tale but only one that will resonate with your target audience. 

Now, I am thriving in an industry that is committed to growth, and applying my passion for creating narratives that help brands captivate their audience and build their own unique image. 

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My wealth of experience reflects all the things I love. From pioneering editorial initiatives for fast-growing startups, heading up creative strategies for global brands ranging from lifestyle to tech, to working one-on-one to bring people’s personal projects from conception through to fruition, I’m so lucky to say - I adore my job.

I never overlook the importance of measurable results and structured planning, but my focus on the human element is what has always earnt me success. People don’t buy things. They buy into them.If you’re seeking a standard, corporate, transactional relationship, then I’m not for you.

Working with me means gaining a close partner that gets to know your brand at its very core, then navigates your journey to whatever success means for you. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help you achieve your goals, whether that’s connecting with customers, building brand image, or attracting investment.

Why Work With Me?

My mission in setting up KW Comms was, in part, to solve all the pain points that I had experienced countless times when it came to outsourcing.

So, now you know why, here are a few practical examples of how I run things differently.

You Are Paying For Me Not My Overheads

When you receive quotes from big agencies, you are often presented with a breakdown of the hourly rate of those working on your project - extremely high fees. I guarantee this is not what the individuals are being paid. You are subsidising the massive overheads that come with having big fancy offices, seasonal parties and expenses that often don’t even pertain to your account. This is not me throwing shade - it’s just the way it works. I work remotely, as do my comrades so every penny is spent on the skills required to make your project a success. Hence agency level service without the whopping price tag.

Pick and Mix

I’ve divided my services into six separate groups. However, if your requirements dictate, we can absolutely cherry pick elements from all. The categories help to make sense of the natural clusters of work (and, full disclosure, it serves a positive SEO function - what kind of digital marketer would I be if I didn’t take that into account on my own site.) You can learn more about the process of designing your package on the Let’s Talk page.    


Full Transparency

Anyone brought in to assist on larger projects will be engaged purely to free up my time to focus on the top tier stuff so you are not paying me to do a job that can be done cheaper. This will all be factored into your unique  package so that you are getting the absolute biggest bang for your buck.

You Will Actually Be Working With ME, Personally

Yes, this sounds like a given. But it really isn’t. More often than not, the person you open your account with at an agency, the person who has ‘sold you the promise’, built up the trust, ‘won’ your business, disappears the moment you sign on the dotted line. You are then passed on to the real team who will be managing your account. Again, not throwing shade, it is what it is. I’ve experienced this too many times. 

On our free consultation, we’ll know if the chemistry is right and, if we proceed with a partnership, it is me that you will be investing in and working with. (Well, me and my gorgeous spaniel, Henry. This is Henry, by the way. He’s a great listener. We worked together at a tech company and he won the honorary title of Chief Morale Officer. He keeps me inspired and comes as part of the deal.)